Susy Ponders...

Dear Susy Wong,

That's what your workmates fondly call you! Cute, eh?  When you all discover later on who the famous Susy Wong actually is (A high class hooker!) you have a good laugh together.  Deep down you experience a wave of shame as you realise how similar you and Susy Wong are.  She gives her body in a quest for riches and you give your body in a quest for love.

If I could just stop you now, there will be significantly less regrets, so please listen carefully!

Love is not a fuzzy feeling that makes you swoon and gives you goosebumps.  That just means you've met someone who currently meets all your criteria.  Give them a chance and you'll soon realise they don't meet the 'perfect' tick box on your list. Rom Coms (as much as I love them!) have completely disillusioned us.  True love does not happen 'at first sight' - it appears to happen to some in that way, but that's just fluke.  Love is a choice you make and not just one choice.  Its a continual ongoing choice.  Let me explain... 

When you do meet your future husband, he's not your current 'type' (For the record, your type 'perfect' does not exist).  You don't initially have those fuzzy feelings you call love and in fact when they appear, they don't stick around - they come and go.  Some days your husband will seem perfect and those fuzzy feelings will have you on cloud nine.  On other days he will really piss you off or upset you and you won't feel his love.  Thats when the choice to love kicks in.  If you continue with your quest for love, you will experience the following:

1) you will have some relationship issues to work through with your husband.
2) your future husband will never know all there is to know about you.  There will be secrets about you that you just can't share with your husband - that will make you sad.  You will have to get over the fear of him hearing those secrets from someone else - people can be cruel!  
3)Taking your future husband to parties of friends you have now will be a risky business as you will have to introduce him to several ex's.  That will make you and him extremely uncomfortable.
4) Your sex life will be tarred by experiences with others until you can renew your mind about the whole thing.  That will take time and conscious effort.
5) You will realise later in life how cruel you have been to some men.  You fall so deeply for them at first sight, then reject them so quickly and brutally when you discover they don't meet your outrageous standards.  You probably cause men to feel like they are not good enough for anyone.  You also reveal how shallow your love is - deep love takes the good with the bad.

I know that you genuinely feel like your in love every time you give yourself away in your quest for love (even when you've just met the person!).  I really want to save you and them some heartache.

I now know many people who chose not to have sex before marriage.  Its not as crazy as it sounds.  They don't feel like they missed out on anything and they definitely don't regret it.  It was hard work for them to keep resisting, but they have something special now with their husbands that I will never experience and they will have that for the rest of their lives.  I'm not bitter, just a bit sad!  That sadness has given me the determination to show young women like you that there is a better way and that to be pure is not obscure!